Yogafestival Workshop: „Satsang“
Datum: Sa, 11.11.23
Uhrzeit: 12:00-13:15 Uhr
Raum: Greiffenclausaal
Lehrer: Pari
Beschreibung des Workshops:
Früher oder später wird die existentielle Frage nach unserem wahren Ursprung und Identität auftauchen, egal woher wir kommen mögen. Was ist die Grund-Essenz unseres Seins, welche Bedeutung, welchen Sinn kann dieses Leben haben, wo kommen wir her – dies waren und sind die Grund-Fragen im antiken Griechenland, im Sufismus, in der christlich-jüdischen Mystik, im fernöstlichen Zen oder in der hinduistich-buddhistischen Philosophie, um die es im Satsang geht. Satsang bedeutet, sich auf das stille Wissen, welches überall und immer in unseren Herzen weilt, einzulassen. Das Wort “Satsang” selbst kommt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet soviel wie “Gemeinschaft mit der Wahrheit”.
Infos zum Lehrer:
„Following a call from within Pari went in his early twenties to India, in search of a living spiritual Master. He visited many ashrams and met remarkable saints. After spending several months in the mountains in South India, he went to see Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in Puna, now known as Osho. He stayed with him many years and also lived for some time in his commune in Oregon, America. The experiences and the openings experienced near him, are beyond words and there is no way to possibly thank him for this – immeasurable thankfulness. After Osho left his body in 1990 there was this feeling deep inside arising that there was yet another Master calling…
This call was answered, when he met HWL.Poonja in Lucknow, a city in north India, in the winter of 1991. Meeting Poonjaji, by his devotees lovingly addressed to as „Papaji“, had such a strong impact on Pari, that he couldn´t run away or go on looking around any more. This meeting was a crucial and profound one – that eternal search and missing the obvious came to an end. No words can ever exist for that – too quiet, too silent, too peaceful, too obvious. Struck by grace he spent there the following years close to Papaji, interrupting his annual stay in Lucknow for the summer months, when he went to Corfu, to work in the Alexis Zorbas center. While living in Lucknow he got married to Satyaa by Papaji. There they often sang bhajans for Papaji in various occasions, in his satsangs, in his house and elsewhere.
Pari lives a life of a householder with Satyaa and his daughter Mira, attending to all the needs that such a life brings forth, while also leading retreats, satsang and concerts in various places.
The everyday life is the only sacred life there is. The beauty of our own inner nature is always present and quiet.“